Monday, February 11, 2013

Valentine's Scones

On a cold day we got the call at 5:15 am. School had been canceled for the day. The kids happily slept in.  (I love the irony pointed out by a friend- that we are woken up at 5 in the morning to be told we  can sleep in!)  For the enjoyment of our Utah friends, this was how much snow we had.  :)  Although, to be fair, I believe the issue was icy roads.  And while that is something Utah drivers deal with all the time in the winter, as I understand it, the school bus drivers belong to a Union, and that Union is the one that kind of calls the shots.  They don't want the liability in case of a bus accident.  So, when it snows or is icy, school is canceled.  The kids love it.... until they have to do the make up days!
With Valentine's Day coming up, I thought it would be the perfect time to make scones. Not just any scone--- but heart shaped scones!  I tried the scone recipe from the "Favorites" Cookbook that you can buy through the Children's Miracle Network in SLC.  But, honestly, I prefer scones made from my regular roll recipe.  So, if you have a roll recipe that you love, use that! 
All cut out and ready to be cooked.  They were little- only about 1 1/2 - 2 inches, slightly bigger than donut holes.  Cute! 
Frying up in the pan. 

Heart scones on a heart plate.  Kelsey goes bananas over this heart plate.  It is as if it's a treat in and of itself!  We have also found that scones are much less messy if you dip them in the honey.....

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