Friday, January 25, 2013

Valentine Owl Warmer

It is really cold right now. Brrrr! My kids love using rice warmers during the winter, but it has been a couple of years since we've owned one. I have been meaning to get around to making more, but just haven't. Until today. I decided to make an owl rice warmer. Owls seem to be the "it" thing last year and this year. My youngest is obsessed with owls, so I thought that would be the shape this warmer would take. 
When designing something I want to make, I start with a paper and a pencil. If the pattern is symmetrical, then I fold the paper in half and work with one side.Here you can see I've drawn an owl--- with lots of erased marks trying to get the shape how I want it.  When ready for the other side, I fold it in half, and trace over the back of the pencil line, transferring the markings to the opposite side of the page.  I have done this in the picture with the eyes and the beak.  Kind of like the games of "war" or "landmine" my siblings and I would play during church when we were little.  Yeah.  Back in the "Old" days!  :)  I taught my kids to play it, and they thought it was really cool.  For a few minutes.  Then they went back to their electronics. 
Not looking so much like an owl right now.  More like a teddy bear!  I guess I could use this pattern to make a teddy bear rice warmer, too. 
Oh, what a difference a few details make!  Notice I followed the rule on curves- "Notch outer, clip inner"  The outside of the owl wings are notched.  This will make the curved seam nice and smooth when it is turned inside out. 
Looking even more like an owl.... I ditched the eyelashes--- they looked a little funny in black.  It kind of made it look like the owl was angry.  It was at about this point when I thought that I really should have used interfacing to line the whole front red body piece.  All those zig-zag stitch lines attaching the detail pieces could use a little reinforcement in the back. 
All sewn together and ironed, waiting to be filled with rice.   The picture at the top of the post is when it is full of rice, and taken just minutes before K-bug claimed it as her own.  After 3 minutes in the microwave on high, it is now snuggled up with her, and they are toasty warm!   Have you ever wanted to make a craft but didn't have a pattern?  Make your own!  You can do it! 

I have to go now.  My son has now taken the owl and is holding it hostage until I make him one.  Guess that means it's a hit although he's old enough he doesn't want an owl... I guess I'm making another rice warmer.  What shape should I make this time?  Oh, the possibilities...

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