So, I had the idea that today I would post a lovely little
quick sewing project.... so last Tuesday, I got started, because I didn't want to leave it to the last minute..... and guess what? My
quick little sewing not done. Not even close. Does that happen to you? Even this morning I totally thought I had a shot of getting something done. But, no. I showered, took my daughter to school, went to the post office and then to WaWa (a gas station) as it was a diet Coke kind of day, got home, checked on my son's school work, and got to work sewing. I was making nice progress.

See? Isn't that lovely progress on this Valentine's..... sewing item? I still can't decide if it's going to be a table topper, a table runner, a lap quilt, a see where I'm going here. I keep thinking that if I could just sew some more half square triangles to use up my Valentine's fabric, then I will figure out exactly how much there is and what I can make with it. But I made the mistake to use 2 1/2 inch squares for the full square- so each triangle is half that, then sewn.... it is all so very tiny and stretchy and taking lots and lots of time. I've worked on it for a few hours every day since Tuesday, so I thought today would be the day to actually get something done.
Then I allowed myself to be distracted. It started with the computer........knowing Our Best Bites posts today, I had to just hurry to check their blog..... then became distracted by memories of the first time I had an avocado roll with some friends (and one mentioned that the rice paper skin was a little too alien-like for her) which really made me laugh because I can see exactly what she's talking about.... but I like it anyway because I'm weird like that....
Then I noticed that Kate mentioned Tim Riggins and Tammy Taylor. Now, Kate (I say Kate like I know her, when I don't- at all. But I don't remember her last name, so it's just Kate!) is to blame (or rather to thank) for introducing me to Friday Night Lights. When I saw her post her Tim Riggins Brownies, I knew I'd have to watch the show on Netflix to see just what would inspire a food blogger to name a yummy brownie after a TV character.
Hello. The next few weeks were spent obsessively watching Friday Night Lights. I loved the characters. Now--- just a word of warning. This is not clean show. If you hesitate to watch a PG 13 movie, you do not want to watch this show, as it is most definitely a PG-13 show. I will fully confess to averting my eyes during some scenes, to fast forwarding during some, and to being offended by some of the things in it.... BUT, other than that, it is
so awesome! I love Tammy Taylor. I want to
be Tammy Taylor. And it's not because of Kyle Chandler (Coach Taylor). Or even because she gets to associate with Tim Riggins. It's because she's a super classy lady. I love her personality and how she handles things. I love her accent. I love her expressions. About right now you are wondering if I realize that she's a fictional character. I know she is. But I love her all the same. I even confess to having a certain fondness for Texas, even though I've only spent a couple days there- and I don't know a whole lot about it. But I get all sentimental feeling like I have summer, football, and Texas memories whenever I hear the theme music for the show. Love it!
You might also be thinking that I need to get a life. Well.... I probably do. But the truth is that I rather enjoy being a little hermit-like homebody. And see how easily I get distracted?
Then I got a phone call and I noticed how dirty the kitchen floor was. So I swept and mopped the floor during the call. Then I got another call and became completely distracted. I had lunch, tried to sew, and then emailed friends about FNL and Our Best Bites' Avocado Rolls. Still distracted, I tried to sew again. Then I realized the time, and knew I needed to buckle down and get something finished so I could post a sewing project, so I started ironing all those tiny little sewn squares and realized that this was the progress I had made this afternoon:

Completely distracted! Chevrons all skewumpous (my word made up from the word skewed), two right Chevrons sewn together, leaving two lonely left ones....TWICE! Technically the second time was two left Chevrons sewn together leaving two lonely right ones, but I know you don't really care about that. Even upside down get the picture. I decided to call it a day, and so all you get is a sneak peak into what may show up next week. But--- you don't know if it will be a pillow, or a blanket, or a runner, or......... (and neither do I).